So, this might be kind of random and such but I
just got into Harry Potter, as of June 2010. I know, weird. lol. I just happened to get into it when the final movie is coming out. So now, I reeealllyy desperately want to see all the movies, because I haven't. And then, a threshold opened up! I went to the
Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios. Whether you're a fan or a hater, who.cares?! that place was amazing! and don't even get me started at how famazinngg the ride was. That theme park then got me into wanting to read the books as well. So, i have 3 weeks of life left (or til school begins again) and I want to see the movies now before i have no life, yet again. Til then, here are some images from the final movie. (just two, no biggy).
With many Hopes, Mila.
(not from the third movie,

They have come such a friggin . long . way.

This just made me step back and go ""