Hello darlings,
just thought I would share some information of usual boring days.
So last Friday, I had lost my retainer! I was freaking out because that means I would be wearing no retainer for a total of 5 days!!! You see, that wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that one of my friends had to put braces on again because her teeth moved! And she said she wore her retainer everyday! Oh no! But luckily, my teeth didn't move. So I go to the orthadontists on Monday, and they charge me $75 for my new retainter! And that's slot of money believe it or not! So here I was today, laying down on the floor studying, and I happen to notice something under my bed- my retainer box. I couldn't believe it!!! I guess it must have fallen out of my bookbag when I threw it on the floor. But now I feel horrible!!! Ugh. I don't think I'm gonna tell my parents- just to spare them the pain of losing $75 for my irresponsibility! Well at least I know that if I lose this pair of retainers, I won't have to get new ones.
Much love ,
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Secret Message in Speak Now
So Taylor does this thing with all her albums, where throughout the lyrics, there's random letters capitalized, and once you put them together, they say something (DUH!)
The words/phrases ,of course, have to do with the song (in this CD, mostly about why she wrote it, who she wrote it for, etc.) so here are the secret messages!:

*sorry it's super-duper small.*
Well, that's the secret messages, and my interpretations. *they meanings i give them, especially the last half, are not the best because, once again, I haven't listened to the songs clearly enough, so I don't know exactly what they mean*
maybe I'll come back and reproof them one day. . . once i know all the songs by heart.
"Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace"
Hi there
I haven't been on for a while huh?
I'm not going to lie; I kind of forgot about my blog.
I don't really consider it forgetting because I
did remember it after a week.
But still, I forgot, and I feel horrible.
But enough about that tragic tale.
I got Taylor Swift's new Speak Now and it's
I love it! honestly, I've only gone through the
whole CD once, but still- I'm loving it already.
So far, my favorite song is Enchanted.
It's adorable- though I've only heard it twice.
I totally recommend it to all!
Before I leave you all again, i would love for you
guys to check out my next post, which includes a
secret message that Taylor puts in all her
albums. It's pretty cool.
I Love You.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Speak Now and tell me Who Owns My Heart.
I'm so excited to listen to Taylor Swift's new album titled Speak Now.
I loved her last album Fearless, so I'm hoping this one will be just as great.
from what I've heard, this album is practically her personal diary, in which she explains occurrences from her past 2 years (such as the whole "Kanye" act, relationships, etc.)
So far, her song Back to December has to be my favorite, from the singles she has released ( Mine, Speak Now, and the one she sang at the VMA's)
It's obviously about Taylor Lautner and her!! i mean she states his "tanned skin" and "sweet smile". and it's truly a beautiful song.
Aside from Taylor, there's Miley- oh how can we forget about her...
she recently released a new music video titled Who Owns My Heart which I personally love.
It's a great song-the rhythm, lyrics (sorta) and just everything is super catchy.
But we must of course discuss the video itself: in it she has about 4 outfits; two of them include nothing more than a tank top and underwear, another includes blazer with huge triangular shoulder pads and shorts so short they might as well have been underwear, and a last outfit that consists of a gold mesh on her chest that covers nothing more than her chest and stomach.
OH, and we can't forget how she's on a bed in the beginning as well.
Personally, she looks gorgeous and she has beautiful legs to compliment all the outfits. But of course, there are critics saying how she is not doing the best job to lose her "disney image".
I do not find it the video that bad, except for the part where she's dancing with another girl and practically has her face in the other girls face...which i'm so not into that type of stuff.
She's growing up people! and if it was someone like P!NK, or Britney doing something like this,
the video would not even be discussed. i don't think she's acting slutty, i believe that "She's knows she hot"* and she's just showing the world her beauty. ( in a way that may seem slutty- but really isn't).
*quote gotten from tumblr
Til Next Time My Lovelies,
I {heart} TVD*
I dont know if i've mentioned this yet but
My life will be officially complete ;D
funny story actually- let me tell you:
so there i was, thursday night-watching GLEE, and it's 8:10 and my sister comes downstairs and says to me " aren't you watching Vampire Diaries? " to which my reply is a huge gasp and i flip the channel right away...
during the episode (which was aweeesomee!) i'm texting one of my bff's (Kristen) who's just as obsessed with the show as me. . . OH wait- really fast- listen to this quick story: my friend kristen and i have promised ourselves to go during summertime 2011 to atlanta, georgia and be extras on TVD* and meet Ian somerhalder-ok done.
so there i was, texting kristen like crazy about my the show (messages included : OHMYGOSHHH!/ Ian is soo hot!!/ OHEMGEE caroline!! / holy shiii, did u see that/ I want to be that extra who hands him the lemonade!!! )
so the show ends and ten minutes later, kristen's calling me- our conversation:
Me: Hello?
Kristen: camila, you will never believe what i'm about to tell you.
me: what is it?
kristen: i'm dyyyingg right now!
me: kristen, tell me already!
kristen: Ian somerhalder and Paul wesley are coming to our hottopic at &%$##@ mall!
me: AAAAGGGGHHHH!! kristen are you serious?!-
kristen: yes!
me: ohmy goshhh I'm gona die, kristen i'm seriously dying right now! OHemgee *starts crying tears of joy* im crying kristen! i can't believe this is happening! AGHH, im hyperventilating *starts sweating* i'm so hot! ohmy i need to take off my socks... oh my gosh!
kristen: i knoww!!
then next week at school she comes up to me and says "wow, can you believe that just on wednesday, our hopes of meeting Ian were just distant dreams, and now, they're actually happening?!" my response: *tears stinging my eyes because of the overwhelming happiness that has overcome me*
so that's my story guys... and I cannot wait!!
much love to all!!
*The Vampire Diaries
Hello my fellow readers!
just wanted to let you know what's been going on lately in my life... (sorry it's personal and not more interesting)
- this has been one of the most hectic/stressful/longest week thus far. i have had the biggest project for english (write a greek tradegy, 3 episodes, 20-25 minutes long; then act it out, have costumes, props, and masks!!) so it has not been very easy for me!
- i have also been doing ACT/PLAN & PSAT testing... i'm gonna need tutoring for the real tests.
- while i was doing those tests^, i missed my chemistry honors class, which is not a class i want to be missing. so i missed 2 days of chemistry, then i get an email from my teacher telling me to get the notes from the powerpoint he has posted online...so here i am, writing down the quantum #'s of an electron/atom, i dont even know what on earth im studying, and i have a test on it the next day! ... and when i go to ask the teacher for help, he was too busy. -_____- worst.study.ever. (in the end, i think i did well though-so that's the bright side of things)
- Great News! because i had to rehearse for the greek play, i had to miss photography club ;( and one of the teachers in charge happened to pass by me the day before and asked me if i was going to be at the meeting; to which i sadly replied "no." he kept questioning me on why i couldn't make it, and that i should really try because...listen to this...I'm one of the best there! (I'm really good)! that made my day :D
- then the day after the meeting i go up to the other teacher in charge of photo club and asked him if there was another assignment, (he said no... we'll be having a picnic instead, which i sadly cannot attend because .... *) and he said "i was like 'oh, Camila's not here today' ". . . i guess that means he was excited to see what i had in store for them.
- i'm starting to see GLEE now...starting with season 1... i'm on disc 3 now. it's seriously hilarious! a total muuussstttt see!!
- i'm reading the Harry Potter books! i'm so excited!! pro's: they're amazing- DUH! and there's alot of them... which i love! con's: because this week has been so hectic, i haven't been able to read at my normal pace / i highly dislike that i already have the movies stuck in my head; i'm not saying the movies aren't amazing or anything-because they are- but the problem is is that i can't even imagine everything in my own perspective-what the people look like, what places look like, etc. (for example: with twilight, i was able to come up with my own perspective on things, imagine what everything looked like, come up with my own images...and then when i see the movie, i notice if my mental images were displayed well.-with HP, that's not possible...even when i try, i still see the movie in my head -___-) but i will give the directors and set designers and the whole HP movie enterprise props for making it SO well! everything in the book is displayed perfectly in the movies ...(unlike twilight). pro: i cant't wait to get to the 6th book, where i'll be able to imagine some things on my own... except the people of course (aside from any new characters that might be visible).
Much Love, Mila
Saturday, October 9, 2010
i saw "the social network" this weekend, and it was amazing!
yes, i totally recommend you go see it...
tell everyone about it!
it's an amazing story.
-make sure you're wide awake
-don't go with friends that won't shut up the whole movie
other than that, GO SEE IT!
little spoiler...not really a spoiler though: facebook started out as an online social network for students at Harvard University. here's the original ,orignal facebook. (known as [thefacebook.com])

i'm tired of it all.
people step all over me like I'm no more than dried up leaves on the floor.
it's my fault really; I am waayyy too nice.
i need to be stronger, more hard-minded.
i can't let people just do this to me anymore.
i won't let them.
i'm gonna change, in a good way.
not completely change,
but just in a way that people won't bother to mess with me.
yea, that's what I'll do.
from now on, if I don't feel like helping you I'm gonna say "NO".
just because
you couldn't do it, when your excuse was
"i'm cleaning up",
when truth is, you never do! and I
know you have friends over, so really I'm just doing
all your work for you, while you have fun at the getty
you said you were too busy doing HW at, so you couldn't come over.
No, i won't be a B*tch, i'm just not going to let people
throw me around, that's all.
that's my resolution. forevermore.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
.I [heart] Ian.
I'm. In. Love. With. This. Man. enough said.
oh, and I also like Paul :)
this is why I love men in winter clothing

Josh Duhamel
So, this adorable man whom I've always loved is just too cute for words. i honestly find him and fergie alot more attractive than brangelina... in a way.
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