hello darlings
I'm back just to remind my invisible friends that I haven't abondoned them.
I still hope to share my hopeful dreams and thoughts on the world.
so, just for the interest of my own wishes, i'll answer some random questions,
-What do you think about rape?
>my teacher notified me that there are professors now saying that rape isn't a crime. WTF? you're kidding me right? rape is a horrible thing. men are so desperate, and rude, and so hungry for sex they have to force a poor woman who might not have the strength to fight back to suffice their disgusting needs. in my opinion, go get a hooker instead!!! seriously. overall, rape is not cool and shouldn't be done. and if its not obvious, rape is such a common that some people even pass off with just probation. back in the old days, men were gentlemen, such before marriage was never even spoken of, never mentioned, it was a sin! Rape was considered the most horrible of all crimes, that they hung the accuser the second they were found out who committed the crime. rape is just horrible. ugh.
-what do you think about abortion?
>this almost disgusts me more than rape. almost. mostly, people always say that the baby isnt born yet, therefore abortion isnt bad. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! what about that 'thing' that stirs around in your stomach and gives you morning sickness?
and what about that 'thing' that some surgeons have to perform surgery on to keep alive? that's not a life?!

do you see these photos? how is that not the most beautiful and perfect definition of life?! and when someone does abortion, do you know what that is? MURDER! ohmygosh. this just outrages me. abortion is horrible and i hate it.
-Do you believe in abstinence before marriage?
>yes i do and
here's why (previous post of mine on purity.)
that's all i've got to say. maybe my morals will make you more interested in what i have to say, or maybe it'll turn you off and i'll never hear see you again invisible follower.