Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hope & Unity

This week, my school had spirit week, and it has been amazingly fun! but on tuesday, November 9th, the whole school gets some terrible news that the father of a very known/popular family at our school has just died. (motorcycle accident- so it was VERY unexpected)It . was. Devastating. I Had never witnessed silence quite so loud. the whole school was in such a mournful state. no one talked except a few"ohmygosh" and "I can't believe this". even i myself was in such huge shock. to think that that family left their house that morning thinking "alright! spirit week!...see you later dad" and return to ... no dad. it was just unbelievable. when something like that happens, it makes you contemplate on life and just how short it is. how overwhelming it can be at times, and just how beautiful it still is. i think so many people take too much time worrying about little things like, how does my hair look? what is he going to think of me? i feel ugly (after school that day, all the representatives for 9, 10, 11, and 12 grade classes got together and decided that we can take one day off of spirit week and dedicate it to the family who lost a loved one. and everyone agreed. the whole high school (even middle school) came dressed in white (to celebrate life and a significance that the father is in a better place now) and brought roses and donations. then we all assembled in the gym for a time of prayer. just seeing the school unified like that was amazing. it was a phenomenon that has never occurred at my school ever before. it gives you hope that people do care, even when you think they don't. it gives you a hope that even though people may look mean, or act aggressively or kindly, they all have a heart that has a conscience. my words probably don't do much, but this whole experience has just made me think alot. much love, Mila

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