Good news! I got my shorts. Bad news: they.don' ); I'm so sad. I was dying for them, and they didn't fit. I guess I'll just have to do it the old fashion way- go to a thrift shop and by myself some old jeans, cut them, and modernize them. . . I'm still sad though, like really sad. But sometimes, that's just life right? You can't always get the bright side up. sometimes you just get the bad apple. BLEGH. I always have that issue- I need to try something on, I can't be guessing what size I am, because it doesn't work well for me like that. This isn't the first time I've ordered something w/o trying them on and it didn't fit me. See, I actually had the opportunity to go and try them on, I even had them on hold at the store! But I don't have a car, and sometimes, even though you're only 60 blocks away, your parents are just toooooooo tired to wait in the car for 10 minutes while you try them on, and purchase them. Great. And then when you have the opportunity to get a car the summer going into junior year, they just say, "We'll see." I seriously dislike those words from the very bottom of my heart. I mean, if I have a car, life will be so much simpler and easier. I'll be able to go see my friends more often and I won't have to depend on someone else (for a ride...or anything else anymore.) Eventually, my parents will see how wonderful it is! But then came the big question: How am I gonna pay gas? ... a job? ugh. I so don't want one. But I'll have to see. I feel bad having to depend on my parents for gas as well, especially for how much I'm going to be driving ;) well, I hope you all enjoyed a daily dose of my life. I hope to hear some different P.O.V.'s?
Until next time,
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