hello hello,
i've been on here quite alot today. ( i tend to do that... if i miss alot of days, I'll make it up by posting alot of posts in one day...balances out ya know?)
anyhoo, while i'm waiting for an old video on youtube to load (just so happens to be daniel radcliffe on letterman; told ya i was obsessed!) i thought you might all be interested in a lil information about myself... and my fashion. so this winter, (living in florida you see) its never really too cold down here, so my winter trend is gonna be shorts over tights, as displayed here:

lamooooh picture, i know, but just thought a visual would help. but as much as i love black, they're not really a daytime color, so i need to stock up on bright colors. . .
and of course, colors that match my gorgeous shoes from urban. seeing as how long it's going to take my shoes to arrive (mid-october) i hope by the time they arrive there will already be a chill in the air !! que ricooo !