so, miley cyrus is going to be in this new movie, LOL: laughing out loud, which is actually a french film about a typical french girls life. . . and now theyre remaking it into an english film. but you see, french people are alot more...oh,whats the word... "open minded" (not very good) than us americans. But at the same time, there's alot of people who are like that in our country as well. Now, we all know that miley is trying to loose her "disney image" and all, but i think she's a taking a leap too far for her with this production. if they decide to make the movie similiar to the french film, then that would mean miley would have to kiss girls, flaunt her bikini wax to her mom, do pot, and loose her virginity. Yes, we know miley, youre not a little girl any more, and i respect her for wanting to 'grow up' (and not being able to in the public eye), but i think this film is a little much... if they do go through with everything mentioned, Miley will be facing alot of criticism. but hey, not every move in an actors career will be appealing to everyone. Just so you can see what I'm talking about, here's the trailer to the French film (there are english subtitles). what do you think about this?
and here are some pictures from on set:
Miley Cyrus, Ashley Greene, Douglas Booth, Ashley Hinsaw, Lina Esco and the rest of the cast

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